Little Ebony Butt Ready For Sex

My little ebony butt has come to clean the place, she did her duty almost naked while I was watching her. When my little ebony butt has done her duty, I asked her to remove the panty and bra she was wearing. Then I start caressing her, fondling her boobs and touching her slot. It looks like she enjoyed that as far as she knows she is going to double her salary. After an hour of cleaning the house, she smells the sweat and I love her odor. By caressing her pussy, I feel her getting wet and ready to receive her daddy’s cock!

Doggystyle Penetration

I simply ask her to bend down on the dresser and offer me her butt. My cock is hard and wet, as well as her little love hole. I gently penetrate her from behind and start doing her with my big cock. She is so tight and soft, it is the best sensation I got from inserting my cock in such a pussy. Her butt slot is opening to let my cock pushing in. I am going to fuck her a long time today because I want to enjoy her as long as I can.

Emptying My Balls Inside Her

I am fucking her, going in and out as much as I can. I noticed that the longer you fuck, the more cum is coming out, and the longer orgasm is lasting. So I take my time and make sure she feels me inside her. When I feel it is time to jerk off, I push inside as deep as I can and let the sperm flows out of my balls. I feel it filling her pussy gap inside and wrapping around my dick while I keep on pushing in. At the same time, she is contracting her cunt muscles to make me enjoy more about her. She is a very good girl!