Black Fat Pussy
This girl is a real black fat pussy. Although I am usually not very fond of this chubby girl, I have to say that this one really turns me on. There is something very sexual about her. Because she is my employee and she comes to the office frequently, I can have sex with her at any time I need to. Therefore, after duty, she lies down on the fucking couch and gives me what I need. Chubby fat girls have tiny little pussy holes, and she confirms that rule about their tightness. Penetrating that little cow is a tremendous pleasure.
Chubby Ebony Slut
My cock is now very hard in her cooky. She is hot and tight and my penis loves that. It is actually more difficult not to cum than the other girls. When I am fucking her, I have an image crossing my mind. I would like to cover her with my semen. Oh yeah, that idea appears to me as a genus one. Therefore, when it comes to ejaculating, I pull out my dick and grab it with my hand to aim at her lovely fat vagina. At the very moment I grab my cock, the first load is already trigged.
Ebony Fat Covered With Hot Sperm
The first load crosses over her pussy and reaches her belly. I push it down a bit to aim at her cunt. My cock is throwing big loads of sticky cream. This is awesome to see her pussy receiving the juice while you are cuming. I am literally covering her with my sperm. Some big drops land on her lips. My cock is burning above her clit. Now that the orgasm is finished, I sweep my dick on her pussy and watch the result while I am recording it.