She Gets Her Mouthful Of Cum While She Was Blowing Me

My ebony slut got her mouthful of cum while she was sucking my dick. Indeed, I let my penis explode inside her lovely mouth. I have some terrific needs to put my cock in her mouth those days. Because she loves me and because she wants to please me, despite the fact that she doesn’t like it too much, she does suck my penis. She can’t swallow my semen, therefore, she only lets me jerk in her mouth and spit it out. It is a tremendous pleasure to insert my cock between her lips and let it get hard for sexual pleasure.

The Feeling Of Domination Is Huge When A Blindfolded Girl Blows Your Dick

There is a real pleasure standing before a girl kneeling for you. It is like she is completely devoted to your penis, and I love that. The sensation of her lips slurping my penis glans is unbeatable. I love watching her mouth and lips running along my dick. This girl is very good to fuck. But I am now discovering that she can use her mouth as well. I am feeling so comfortable inside her mouth, that I think I am going to jerk now.

Exploding Inside Her Mouth While I Am Being Sucked

Here we are, my dick in her mouth and the orgasm already triggered. I grab her head to make sure she doesn’t run away from my cum. It wasn’t necessary because she bore the cum with a lot of pleasure. It was a lot of pleasure for me to explode in her mouth. The way she moves her tongue while I am jerking is awesome. I would like it to last for an hour. Unfortunately, this is not the case. But I will make sure we reproduce the drill.